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Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Yuwie and Friendster pari pasu a situs social network, but there are something made difference between Yuwie from inquiring Friendster, You want to know!

Korry Rogers(pemilik yuwie) tells he will assort the advantage to the members - just for having activity in Yuwie ( like you is having activity in Friendster) and invites its(the friends to joint forces with Yuwie ( through its(the referral URL is each)

We remain sign up like friendster, invite friend, hang out, comments with friend then you are paid, delicious isn't it, he he he....

But which very interesting is... There is a routine habit in community Yuwie, which is not is done in Friendster... Each month and every beginning of month of in sure Yuwie there are conference about earning ( for result) wau!!!

Hmm how much/many dollar which I earn from Yuwie this month?

Conference of the problem of this earning usually takes place in date of 1 - 15 or until announcement of earning emerges... usually date of 10 - 15 is when when tending because announcement of earning usually emerges at date of that.

Then after announcement... hmmm a lot can be under $5, but if you often having activity like looking for friend to join in
it is not impossible you will
Get $100 month....

Unbelieved......Its proof....

This is cheque sent by the side of Yuwie to one of member in Indonesia.

Possibly when member
have been counted member Friendster... dedengkot-dedengkot Yuwie will enjoy rapid of stream dollar...Ha ha ha ha ha

Come on what else direct
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